Dr. D. B. Gavani
I don't know when I met you
In the crowded wild roses of May
Where life losts at its bountiful gay
In the pastures of lovedales you know.
The tiny asps linger amidst green barks
Meticulously reminicense the coily cull
Sinking like beasts in the deep see gull
Where dolphins dally with black sharks.
The sarcaguss sucks the bell flowers
The amazingg amphibians appreciate thee
Like clucking frogs in ponds on their knee
Never know that they hop over the bowers.
I don't know when I saw only you
If you remember say me only I know.
I don't know when I met you
In the crowded wild roses of May
Where life losts at its bountiful gay
In the pastures of lovedales you know.
The tiny asps linger amidst green barks
Meticulously reminicense the coily cull
Sinking like beasts in the deep see gull
Where dolphins dally with black sharks.
The sarcaguss sucks the bell flowers
The amazingg amphibians appreciate thee
Like clucking frogs in ponds on their knee
Never know that they hop over the bowers.
I don't know when I saw only you
If you remember say me only I know.
This is a nice poem - Shanta