Monday, 16 May 2011


    KARNATAKA UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD                                              

                                                          Dr. D. B. GAVANI
                                      Details of Revised UG Syllabus
BA- I /BSW I - Basic English
Semester – I (From 2011-12 onwards for three years)
(80 Marks for the paper of 3 hours duration) (20 Marks for I.A.)

Pattern of Question Paper

I. Objective type questions (Five each from prose & Poetry).    10 x 1=10
2. Reference to Context (two each Prose & Poetry to be asked)
(One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered) -                                - 2 x 5= 10
3. Essay type question on Prose. (Prose. (One out of three) -                            - 10
4. Essay type question of Poetry (one out of three ) - -                          - 10
5. Short-notes ( two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked)
(One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered) - -                             - 2 x 5= 10
6. A Use of Articles -                                                                                       5 x1 = 5
B Use Prepositions. -                                                                            5 x1 = 5           10
7 A. Transformation of sentences. -                                                       5 x1 = 5
B Synonyms. -                                                                          5 x1 = 5           10
8 A. Preparation of Greeting Cards. -                                                   5 10
B. Expansion of idea ( One out of two ) -                                                          5 -----80

Text Book: ECHOES : Ed- Madhulika Jha, pub by Orient Black Swan PROSE:

1. Of studies - Francis Bacon.
2. Dream Children, A Revery - Charles Lamb.
3. The Diamond Necklace - Gye de Maupassant.
4. A Shadow - R.K. Narayan.
5. Glory of Twilight - Bhabani Bhattacharya.


1. Daffodils - William Wordsworth.
2. Ode to Autumn - John Keats.
3 A Psalm of Life - H.W. Longfellow.
4. O Captain ! My Captain ! - Walt Whitman .
5 Where the Mind is without Fear - Rabindranath Ragore.

1. Transformation of Sentences without changing the meaning.
Questions to be set on the following types.
1. Degree of comparison.
2. Remove ‘ too ‘
3. Use of ‘No Sooner…. Than’
4. Use of ‘Unless’
5. Exclamatory to Assertive
BA- I / BSW I - Basic English
Semester- II (From. 2011-12 onwards for three years)
80 marks for the paper of 3 hours duration (20 Marks for .I.A)

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions (five each from Prose & Poetry )    10 x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context. (Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked)
( One each from Prose & Poetry to be asked .)                         2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Prose (one out of three -                                           - 10
4 Essay type question on Poetry (one out of three) -                                                      - 10
5 Short notes (Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked )
(One each from Prose and Poetry to be answered) -                             - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Correction of errors. - -                                                                    10x 1 = 10
7. A. Combining sentences with ‘ wh ’words -                          5x1=5
B. Antonyms. - -                                                                                  - 5x1=5… 10
8. A. Dialogue Writing                                                              - 5 10
B. Letter of Application                                                                                    - 5 ---80

Text Book: WINGED THOUGHTS - Ed. Board of Editors, pub by Orient Black Swan -

PROSE : only the following topics to be studied.

1. Letter to my Daughter - Jawaharlal Nehru.
2. Prêt in the House. - Ruskin Bond
3. Buddha ‘The Enlightened one’ - Max Eastman
4. The Verger - - Somerset Maugham.
5. Springtime. - O’ Henry.


1. The Quality of Mercy - William Shakespeare.
2. The Old Woman. - Arun Kolatkar
3. Inexpensive Progress - John Betjeman
4. No Men are Foreign - James Kirkup
5. Because I could not stop for Death- Emily Dickinson.


Combining of sentences with ‘ wh ‘ words –
Who, when, what, whom, why, which, where, whose, etc.

B.Com. I - Basic English
Semester – I (From 2011-12 onwards for three years)
(80 Marks for the paper of 3 hours duration ) ( 20 marks for I.A.)

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions. ( Five each from Prose & Poetry )             -10 x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context. (Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked)
( One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered )                                            - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Prose ( One out of three ) -                                       - - 10
4. Essay type question of Poetry (out of three )- -                                                          - - 10
5 Short notes ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked )
(One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered )                                             - 2 x 5 = 10
6. A. Use of Articles -                                                                                      - 5 x 1 = 5
B. Use of Prepositions                                                              - 5 x 1 = 5 - 10.
7. A. Transformation of sentences.                                                                    5 x 1 = 5
B. Synonyms.                                                                                                  5 x 1 = 5 …10
8. A. Preparation of Greeting Cards -                                                               - 5
B. Expansion of idea ( one out of two ) -                                                           - 5 …10--80

Text Book: THE JOY OF READING LITERATURE: Ed. Board of Editors,
Pub. By Orient Black Swan

PROSE: Only the following topics to be studied.
1. - An Astrologer’s Day - R.K. Narayan.
2. - The Gift of Magi. - O’ Henry
3. - Education : Indian and American – Anurag Mathur.
4. - Speech on Indian Independence - Jawaharlal Nehru.
5. - A Talk on Advertising - Herman Wouk

1. Bangle – Sellers - Sarojini Naidu
2. Where the Mind is without Fear - Rabindranath Tagore.
3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost.
4 Sonnet ‘No. 29’ - William Shakespeare.
5. The World is too much with us - William Wordsworth.
Transformation of sentences without changing meaning. Question to be set on the following types.
1. Degree of Comparison.
2. Remove ‘too’
3. Use of ‘ No sooner.. than’
4. Use of ‘Unless ’
5. Exclamatory to assertive.
B.Com. I Basic English
Semester - II ( From 2011-12 Onwards for three year )
80 Marks for he paper of 3 hours duration) (20 marks for I.A. )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions (Five each from Prose & Poetry )   - 10x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked )
( One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered )                                2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Prose ( One out of three ) -                           - - 10
4 Essay type questions Poetry ( One out of three ) -                                          - - 10
5 Short notes ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked )
(One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered) -                                - - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Correction of errors - - - -                                                                - - 2 x 5 = 10
7. A Combining of Sentences with ‘ wh ’ words.                                   - 5 x 1 = 1
B Antonyms. - - - -                                                                             - 5 x 1 = 1 10
8 A. Dialogue Writing -                                                             - 5 10
B. Letter of Application.                                                                                   - 5 ---80

Text Book : JOURNEY THROUGH WORDS : Ed. Board of Editors , pub by Oriental Longman

PROSE: Only the following topics to be studied.
1. - The Romance of a Busy Broker - O’ Henry.
2. - The Bet - Anton Chekov.
3. - A Canary for one - E Hemingway.
4. - The Mother of a Traitor - Maxim Gorky.
5. - Princess September 30, 2010- Somerset Maugham..

1. - Lucy - William Wordsworth.
2. - The Duck and the Kangaroo - Edward Lear.
3 - The Wild swan. - W.B. Yeats.
4 - To the Indians who died in America - T.S. Eliot.
5. - That Whitsun. - Philip Larkin.

1. Combining of sentences with ‘ wh ’ words –
2. Who, when, what whom, why, which, where, whose, etc.
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B.Sc . I Basic English
Semester – I ( From 2011-12 .Onwards for three years).
( 80 Marks for a paper of 3 hours duration ) (20 Marks for I .A. )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions. ( Five each from Prose & Poetry )                         - 10 x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context. ( Two ach from Prose & Poetry to be asked)
( one each from Prose & Poetry to be answered ) -                                           - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question of Prose ( One out of three ) -                                        - - 10
4. Essay type question on Poetry ( One out of three ) -                                        - 10
5. Short – notes ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked ) - -
( One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered ) -                                           - 2 x 5 = 10
6. A. Use of Articles -                                                                                          - 5 x 1 = 5
B Use of Prepositions -                                                                         - 5 x 1 = 5 ..10
7. A. Transformation of Sentences                                                                    - 5 x 1 = 5
B Synonyms. -                                                                                      - 5 x 1 = 5 ..10
8. A Preparation of Greeting Card                                                                    - 5        10
B Expansion of idea ( one out of two )                                                              5 --80
Text Book : ROAD TO LITERATURE :Ed. Board of Editors, Pub. By Orient BlackSwan

PROSE.: Only the following topics to be studied:-
1. The Death of Hero - Jai Nimbkar
2. Love Vs Arranged - Shobhaa Day.
3. The Refugee - K.A. Abbas
4. Heaven is not Closed - Besse Head
5. Decolonizing the Mind - Ngugi wa Thing’o.

1. Road Not taken - Robert Frost.
2. To Mother - Sa Usha.
3. La Belle Dame Sans Mercy - John Keats.
4. Renunciation - Rabindranath Tagore.
5. Poor Girl - Maya Angelou.

GRAMMAR: Transformation of sentences without changing meaning .
Question to be set on the following types-
1. - Degree of Comparison .
2. - Remove’ too ‘
3. - Use of ‘ Unless’
4. - Exclamatory to assertive.

B.Sc. I. Basic English
Semester – II (From 2011-12 Onwards for three years)
(80 marks for the paper of 3 hours duration) 20 marks for I.A.)

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions ( Five each from prose & Poetry ) -                        - 10 X 1 = 10
2. Reference to context ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked)
(One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered)                                              - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Prose (One out of three) -                                                     - 10
4. Essay type question Poetry (One out of three) -                                                         - 10
5. Short-notes (Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked)
( One each from Prose and Poetry to be answered )                                          - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Correction of errors - -                                                                                 -- 10 x 1 = 10
7. A. Combining of sentences with ‘ Wh’ words.                                               - 5 X 1 = 10
B. Antonyms-                                                                                                               - 5 X 1
8. A. Dialogue Writing                                                                                      - 5 10
B. Letter of Application.                                                                                               - 5 --80

Text Book: WISDOM AND EXPERIENCE : Ed. Board of Editors, Pub. By Orient BlackSwan An Anthology for Degree Classes.

PROSE: Only the following topics to be studied.
1. - The sun, the Planets and the Stars- C Jones.
2. - Toasted English - R.K. Narayan.
3. - The Gold Frame - R.K. Laxman.
4. - The Power of Prayer - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
5. - Why is the Sea Blue? - G Venkatraman.

1. - A Requiem - William Shakespeare.
2. - The Chimney Sweeper - William Blake.
3. - Ode to Autumn - John Keats.
4 - Ballad of the Landlord - Langston Hughes.
5. - A River - A.K. Ramanujan.

GRAMMAR: Combining sentences with ‘ Wh ’words –
Who, whom, When, what, why, which , where, whose, etc.
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BA I./ BSW I - Additional English
Semester – I. ( From 2011-12 Onwards for three years)
(80 marks for the paper of 3 hours duration in Lieu of MIL.) 20 marks for I.A.)

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions on the Play - -                                                        - - 10 x1 = 10
2. Reference to Context. ( two out of four) -                                                         - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on the play ( One out of two ) -                                          - 10
4 Essay type question on the play. ( One out of two ) -                                          - 10
5 Short –notes on the play.( two out of four ) - -                                                   - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Match the words with their meanings.(Unknown passage to be given)                - 10 x 1=10
7. A. Preparation of Headline- -                                                                                    - 5
B. Preparation of slogan. -                                                                                        -  5.. 10
8. Self – Introduction ( Resume ) -                                                                                - - 10

Text Book: KANYADAN - Vijay Tendulkar, pub by OUP

Self- introduction: Students should be taught to prepare a resume for the job providing
Information about their academic qualification, hobbies, strengths, skills etc.
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B.A I./ BSW I - Additional English
Semester – II ( From 2011-12 Onwards for three years )
(80 marks paper of 3 hour duration in lieu of MIL ) 20 Marks for I.A. )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions on short-stories. - -                                                - 10 x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context ( two out of four) -                                                      - 2 x 5 = 10
3 Essay type question on short-stories (one out of two )                                                - 10
4. Essay type questions on short –stories(One out of two ) -                                          - - 10
5. Short-notes on short- stories (Two out of four)                                              - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Use of words as two different forms. Of speech. (noun and verb )                 - 10
7. Letters of Congratulations and compliments. -                                                           - - 10
8. Paragraph writing on current topics. (one out of two ) -                          - 10-80

Text Book: FAMOUS INDIAN STORIES - Ed. M.G. Narasimha Murthy, pub by Orient BlackSwan
Only the following short-stories to be studied-
1. - Kabuliwallah - Rabindranath Tagore.
2. - Sweets for Angels - R.K. Narayan.
3. The Mark of Vishnu - Kushwant Singh.
4. The Curds-seller - Masti Venkatesh Iyengar.
5. Upper Division Love - Manohar Malagonkar.
6. The Voice of God - Premchand.
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B.Com. I. Additional English
Semester – I (From 2011-12 On wards for three years )
(80 marks paper of 3 hours duration in lieu of MIL) 20 Marks for I.A

Pattern of Question Paper:

1. Objective type questions on the pay -                                                - 10x 1 = 10
2. Reference to context ( two out of four )                                             - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay tape question on the play. (One out of two ) -                          - 10
4. Essay type question on the play- (one out of two -                              - 10
5. Short-notes on the play. (two out of four ) -                          - - 2 x 5= 10
6. Match the words with their meanings. (Unknown passage to be given )          10x 1 = 10
7. A. Preparation of Headline                                                                - 5 }
B. Preparation of slogan.                                                                       - 5 } …10
8. Self – Introduction . ( Resume ) - -                                                    - - 10
Text- Book: HAYAVADANA By Girish Karnad, OUP

Self- Introduction: Students should be taught to prepare a resume for job providing information About their academic qualification, hobbies, strengths, skills etc.
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B.Com . I - Additional English
Semester – II ( 2011-12 Onwards for three years )
(80 Marks paper of three hours duration in lieu of MIL ) 20 Marks for I.A.

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions on short-stories. -                           - 10 x 1 = 10
2 Reference to context ( two out of four ) -                                           - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question: one the short- stories. ( one out of two )                        - 10
4. Essay type question on the short- stories -                                                     - 10
5 Short-notes on short- stories (One out of two ) -                                - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Use of words as two different forms of speech (noun and verb)                     10
7. Letters of Congratulations and Compliments -                                               - 10
8. Paragraph Writing on current topics –( One out of two )                                - 10
Only the following short –stories to be studied.
1. The Model Millionaire - Oscar Wilde.
2. A Cup of Tea - Katherine Mansfield
3. The Mother - Somreset Maugham .
4 A Client - Raja Rao.
5 Karma - Kushwant Singh
6. Upper Division Love - Manohar Malgaonkar

B.Sc. I. Additional English
Semester – I ( From 2010-12. Onwards for three years)
(80 Marks paper of 3 hours duration in lieu of MIL ) ( 20 Marks for I.A. )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type question on the play                                       - 10x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context. ( Two out of four ) -                           - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on the Play ( One out of two )                            - 10
4. Essay type question of the play. ( One out of two ) - -                                   - - 10
5. Short-notes on the play. - - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Match the words with their meanings. (Un known passage to be given ) 10x 1 = 10
7. A. Preparation of Headline -                                                                         - 5
B. Preparation of Slogan.                                                                                  - 5 ……10
8. Self - Introduction ( Resume )                                                                                   - 10
Text Book: THREE – PLAYS- by Rabindranath Tagore, pub by OUP

Only the first play MUKTA- DHARA is to be studied
Self – Introduction: Students should be taught to prepare a resume for a job providing
information about their academic qualification , hobbies, strengths. skills etc.
…………. oOo………….

B.Sc. I. Additional English
Semester- II ( From- 2011-12 onwards for three years)
(80 marks paper for 3 hours duration in lieu of MIL)
(20 marks for I.A. )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions on Short- stories. -                                     - 10 x = 10
2. Reference to context ( two out of four ) -                                          - 2 x 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Short –stories.- (one out of two )                               - 10
4. Essay type question on short- stories.(One out of two )                                 - 10
5 Short –notes on short- stories. ( two out of four )                               - 2 x 5 = 10
6. Use of words as two different forms of speech (Noun and verb )                   - 10
7. Letter of Congratulations and Compliments.                                      - 10
8 Paragraph Writing on current topics. (One out of two ) -                                - 10
Text Book : - DELIGHT AND WISDOM : Board of Editors, Orient BlackSwan
Only the following short- stories to be studied.
1. The Gift of Magi - O’ Henry.
2. The Child - Premchand
3. The Eyes are not here - Ruskin Bond
4. Kabuliwallah - Rabindranath Tagore.
5. The Diamond Necklace - Gye de Maupassant
6 The Open Window - Saki.
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B.A. I Optional English.
Semester - I ( From 2011-12 Onwards for the three years )
( 80 Marks Paper of 3 hour duration ) (20 marks for I.A.)

Introduction to Literature , Literary forms, History of English Literature ( Elizabethan and Puritan Age), English Phonetics. and one representative text )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions (Questions to be set on authors, works, trends, concepts,
Excluding the prescribed text book.)                                                                 - 10x 1 = 10
2. Essay type question on History of English (Literature (one out of two)                        - 10
3. Essay type question o History of English Literature (one out of two )              - 10
4 Essay type question on History of English.(Literature. (one out of two)                        - 10
5. Essay type question on the play ( one out of two ) -                                       - 10
6. Short- notes on the play (Two out of four)                                         - 2 x 5 = 10
7. Brief notes on Literary Forms. (Two out of four )                                          - 2 x 5 = 10
8. One question on Phonetics. two-sub-questions to be set.
A. Three – terms labels                                                                                           - 5
B. Speech Mechanism for short-notes                                                         - 5 - 10
Topics for Introduction to Literature:
1. - What is Literature.
2. - Literature and Society.
3. - Literature and Science.
4. - Literature and Morality.

Literary Forms:

Only following forms to be studied- Epic, Elegy, Sonnet, Ballad, Tragedy, Comedy and One- Act Play.

Phonetics: ( a ) Three term- tables for speech sounds.
(Vowels and Consonants )

( b) Speech mechanism
( Speech organs, consonants, and vowel sounds)

Text Book: KING LEAR - By William Shakespeare (any edition)
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B.A. I Optional English.
Semester - II ( From 2011-12 Onwards for the three years )
( 80 Marks Paper of 3 hour duration ) (20 marks for I. A.)

Literary forms, History of English Literature . (Restoration and Augustan Age ), English Phonetics and one representative text.

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions (Questions to be set on authors, works, trends and
concepts Excluding the prescribed text book.                                        - 10 x 1 = 10
2. Essay type- question on the History of English Literature
(one out of two) -                                                                                                         - 10
3. Essay type question on the History of English Literature
( One out of two ) - - - - -                                                                                            - 10
4. Essay type question on the Play -                                                                              - 10
( One out of two )
5. Short notes on the play (two out of four) -                                                     - 2 x 5 = 10
6 Brief n- notes on Literary forms. (two out of four )                              - 2 x 5 = 10
7. One question on word- stress. -                                                                    - 10 x 1= 10
(ten out of fifteen)
8. One question on transcription. - -                                                                  -- 5 x 2 = 10
(Five out of ten)
Literary Forms to be studied:
Essay, Novel, Short- Story, Biography, Auto-biography, and satire.

Phonetics:- (a) Word - Stress.
(b) Transcription.

Text Book: THE WAY OF THE WORLD : By William Congreve (any edition)
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BBA- I -Basic English
Semester – I (From. 2011-12 Onwards for three years)
( 75 Marks for the paper of 3 hours duration ) ( 25 marks for I.A.)

Pattern of Question Paper.

1. Objective type questions ( Five each from prose 8 Poetry).               10 X 1 = 10.
2. Reference to context ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked
(one each from prose and Poetry to be answered).                                            2 X 5 =10.
3. Essay type question on Prose. -                                                                                - 10
(one out of two)
4. Essay type question on Poetry. -                                                                               - 10
(One out of two)
5 Short notes ( Two each from prose & Poetry to be asked )
(one each from prose & poetry to be answered)
2 X 5 =10.
6. Use of Articles & Prepositions.                                                                     5 X 1 =5 - 05
7. A. Transformation of sentences                                                                     5 X 1= 5 - 10
B. Synonyms.                                                                                                   5 X 1= 5
8. A. Preparation of Greeting Cards -                                                   - 5 10
B. Expansion of idea (one out of two)                                                               - 5
Text Book: THE JOY OF READING LITERATUTRE : Ed. Board of Editors,
Pub. By Orient Black Swan

PROSE: Only following topics to be studied.
1. An Astrologer’s Day – R K. Narayan.
2. The Gift of Magi - O’ Henry.
3. Education : Indian and American – Anurag Mathur
4. Speech on Indian Independence – Jawaharlal Nehru.
5. A Talk on Advertising – Hermon Wouk.

1. Bangle -Sellers- Sarojini Naidu.
2. Where the mind is without Fear- Rabindranath Tagore.
3. Stopping by wood on a snowy Evening – Robert Frost.
4. Sonnet ‘ 29’- Shakespeare.
5. The World is Too much with us. -W. Wordsworth.
Transformation of Sentences.
Question to be set on the following types:
1. Degree of Comparison.
2. Remove ‘ too ’
3. Use of ‘ No Sooner… than’
4. use of ‘ Unless’
5. Exclamatory to assertive.
BBA- I – Additional English (MIL)
Semester – II (From 2011-12 Onwards for three years)
(75 Marks for Paper of 3 Hours duration in lieu of MIL)
( 25 marks for I.A .)

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions on short -Stories                                         - 10 X 1 = 10
2. Reference to context ( two out of four )                                             2 X 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Short -Stories.                                                          - 10
(One out of two )
4. Essay type question on Short-Stories                                                            - 10
(One out of two )
5. Short-notes on Short- Stories                                                           - 2 X 5 = 10
(Two out of Four )
6. Use of words as two different forms of speech (noun and verb )                       10
7. Letter of Congratulations and Compliments. -                                                - 10
8 . Paragraph Writing on Current topics. -                                                         - 05
(One out of two )                                                                                              --------
Ed. Shiv K. Kumar, pub by OUP

Only the following short- stories to be studied.
1. The Model Millionaire- Oscar Wilde.
2. A Cup of Tea - Katherine Mansfield.
3. The Mother – Somerset Maugham.
4. A Client - Raja Rao.
5. Kavma - Kushwant Singh.
6. Upper Division Love - Manohar Malgaonkar.

1. The Road Not taken - Robert Frost.
2. To Mother - Sa Usha.
3. La Belle Dame Sans Mercy - John Keats.
4. Rumination. - Rabindranath Tagore.
5. Poor Girl. – Maya Angelon.

GRAMMAR: Transformation of Sentences without changing meaning.
Question to be set on the following types.
1. Degree of Comparison.
2. Remove ‘ too ’
3. Use of ‘ No Sooner …..than ’
4. Use of ‘ Unless ’
5. Exclamatory to assertive.
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BCA /B.Sc (C.S) /B.Com( C.S) I - Basic English
Semester –I (From. 2011-12 Onwards for three years )
(80 marks paper of 3 hours duration ). (25 marks for I.A.

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions ( Five each from Prose & Poetry )… ..       10 x 1 = 10
2. Reference to Context. ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked
( One each from Prose & Poetry to be conserved ) … ….                    2 x 5 = 10
3 Essay type question on Prose (One out of two )                                             - 10
4 Essay type question on Poetry . ( One out of two ) -                           - 10
5. Short-notes ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked )
(One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered ) - - -….                     2 x 5 = 10
6. A. Use of Articles -                                                              - 5 x1 =5
B. Use of Prepositions                                                  - 5 x1 =5 - - - 10
7. A Transformation of Sentences-                                                        5 x1 =5
B Synonyms.                                                                            - 5 x1 =5 - - - 10
8. A. Preparation of Greeting Cards.                                                                 - 5
B. Expansion of idea . (one out of two)                                                             - 5 . 10
Text Book: ROAD TO LITERATURE : Ed. Board of Editors, Orient BlakSwan
PROSE: Only the following topics to be studied
1. - The Death of Hero - Jai Nimbkar.
2. - Love Vs. Arranged - Shobhaa Day.
3. - The Refugee - A.K. Abbas.
4. - Heaven is not closed - Bessie Head.
5. - Decolonizing the Mind - Ngugi Wa thiong’O

1. - The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost.
2. - To Mother - Sa Usha.
3. - La Belle Dame Sans Mercy - John Keats.
4. - Rumination . - Rabindranath Ragore.
5 - Poor Girl - - Maya Angelou
GRAMMAR: Transformation of sentences without changing meaning.
Questions to be set on the following types.
1. - Degree of Comparison.
2. - Remove ‘ too ’
3. - Use of ‘ No Sooner… than’
4. - Use of ‘ Unless ‘
5. - Exclamatory to asserting
BCA/B.Sc. ( C.S. ) / B.Com (C.S ) I - Additional English
(MIL ).
Semester – II ( From 2011-12 Onwards for three years ).
(80 Marks for paper of 3 hours duration in lieu of MIL) 20 marks for I.A. )

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions on short- stories.                            10 X 1 = 10. 2.
Reference to context. (Two out of four)                                                 2 X 5 =10
3. Essay type questions on Short- Stories. - -                                                    - 10
(one out of two )
4. Essay type questions on Short-Stories. -                                                       - 10
5. (Two out of four)
6. Use of words as two different forms of speech (noun and verb)                     - 10
7. Letters of Congratulations and compliments                                       - 10
8 Paragraph Writing on current topics.                                                  - 10
(one out of two )                                                                                               -----
Text Book : DELIGHT AND WISDOM : Ed. Board of Editors, pub by Orient BlackSwan

1. The Gift of Magi - O’ Henry.
2. The Child - Premchand.
3. The Eyes are Not here - Ruskin Bond.
4. Kabuliwallah - R. Tagore.
5. The Diamond Necklace - Guy de Maupassant.
6. The Open Window - Saki
----------oOo ---------
B MUSIC – PART – I Basic English
(100 Marks paper of 3 hours duration)

Pattern of Question Paper

1. Objective type questions (Five each from Prose & Poetry).   10 X 1 = 10
2. Reference to context ( Two each from Prose & Poetry to be asked )
( One each from Prose & Poetry to be answered )                                2 X 5 = 10
3. Essay type question on Prose. -                                                                    - 10
(one out of two )
4. Short notes on Prose. (Two out four) -                                              - 2 X 5 = 10
5. Essay type question on Poetry                                                                       - 10
(One out of two )
6 Short notes on Poetry (two out of four) -                                            - 2 X 5 = 10
7. A. Transformation of sentences.                                                                    5X1=5
B. Preparation of Greeting cards.                                                                      - 5 10
8. A- Synonyms                                                                                   - 2 x 1 = 2
B- Antonyms                                                                                        - 2 x 1 = 2
C- Articles/Prepositions.                                                                       4x 1 = 4
D- Combining sentences with ‘wh’words.                                             2x1 = 2 …10
9. Correction of errors.                                                             10 x1 = 10 - 10
10 A. Dialogue Writing                                                                                     - 5
B Application for a job.                                                                    - 5 --100

Text Books: 1. ECHOES : Ed- Madhulika Jha, pub by Orient BlackSwan
PROSE: Only following topics to be studied.
1. Of studies - Francis Bacon
2. Dream Children-A Revery - Charles Lamb
3. The Diamond Necklace - Gye de Maupassant
4. A Shadow. - R.K. Narayan.
5. Glory of Twilight - Bhabani Battacharya.

1. Daffodils - William Wordsworth .
2. Ode to Autumn -John Keats.
3. A Psalm of life. - H.W. Longfellow.
4. O Captain ! My Captain ! - Walt Whitman.
5. Where the Mind is without Fear - R. Tagore.

Text Book: 2. WINGED THOUGHTS - Ed. Board of Editors, pub by Orient BlackSwan
PROSE: Only following topics to be studied.
1. Letter to my daughter - Jawaharlal Nehru.
2. Prêt in the House - Ruskin Bond.
3. Buddha ‘The Enlightened One’ - Max Eastman.
4. Verger - Somerset Maugham.
5. Springtime - O’ Henry.

1. The Quality of Mercy - W. Shakespeare.
2. The Old Woman. - Arun Kolatkar.
3. Inexpensive Progress. - John Betjaman.
4. No. Men are Foreign. - James Kirkup
5. Because I could not stop for death. - Emily Dickinson.

GRAMMAR: Transformation of Sentences with changing meaning.
1. Degree of Comparison.
2. Remove ‘too’.
3. Use of No sooner .. ...than’
4. Use of ‘Unless’
5. Exclamatory to assertive.
Combining of sentences with ‘wh ’ words -
Who, when, what, whom, why, which, where, whose, etc.
          BOS in English (UG),
Dept. of English, K.U.Dharwad.

1 comment:

  1. hello sir,
    I Am your student Shivaprasad. thanks for all the details, its is easy to understand new students and lecturer.
